App versions (Release Date: November 2022)
iOS: 4.1.5
Android: 4.1.5
Contains Software: 4.2-0
This release contains a new version of software for the ZOLEO device. The software upgrade is Mandatory. If the software update is not completed when prompted, the ZOLEO App will disconnect from the ZOLEO device, leaving only Check-In and SOS capabilities via the device.
An active data connection is not required for the update to install/complete, although it is required to download the new app version from the app store on your mobile device (most mobile devices do this automatically).
Once the software installation is in progress, app functionality will not be operational until the installation is complete.
**We recommend doing this from home or before heading out on a trip where you can download the app and complete the device software upgrade before you need to use the device or app.**
Download Requirements
Updating to this latest version is a two-step process:
- Download the most recent version of the app from your Apple or Android App Store – look for version 4.1.5 for Apple and version 4.1.5 for Android
- Upgrade your device software: turn on your ZOLEO device, open your ZOLEO application, connect to your device, then follow the on-screen instructions – this will take several minutes to complete.
Detailed firmware update instructions can be found here, if needed.
Changes in this version:
- High accuracy weather forecasts provided by AerisWeather
- Switch message delivery from App-to-app to SMS
- USB power options for ZOLEO device
- Fix for viewing chats with large message history
- General fixes and improvements
Weather forecasts provided by AerisWeather
ZOLEO weather forecasts are highly relied upon by users for trip planning, whether it be for the current day or the days ahead. ZOLEO has selected AerisWeather as the new weather service provider to serve forecast data to its subscribers.
- AerisWeather offers global hyperlocal weather forecast data
- Location (latitude/longitude) specific weather forecasts within 100 meters of spatial resolution
- Utilizes reliable forecast data from trusted sources, including the National Weather Service, Environment Canada, the UK Met Office, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology (and more) and industry standard forecast models to provide truly global coverage!
Switch message delivery from App-to-app to SMS
App-to-app messaging provides the ability to send long messages and view when a message has been delivered to the destined recipient. This new feature provides the ability to temporarily override app-to-app message delivery and select SMS as the preferred delivery method.
In the ZOLEO app, the sender can now long-press the SEND button to change the delivery method to SMS. The delivery method is temporarily changed to SMS until the sender switches back to app-to-app messaging by long pressing the SEND button again and selecting app-to-app messaging.

USB power options
For users using their ZOLEO device while mounted and permanently or semi-permanently attached to a power source, new USB power options are available providing control over the device’s ability to automatically power on and off when power has been detected or removed.
A new menu for ‘USB Power Options’ can be found in the ‘Settings’ menu under ‘My Connected ZOLEO Device’. The menu contains two options:
- Power on automatically: This automatically powers on ZOLEO device when USB power is detected.
- Power off automatically: This automatically powers off ZOLEO device when USB power is no longer detected.

SOS-only mode
When a ZOLEO device software update pop-up is displayed but declined by the user, the app will remain connected to the device and enter SOS-Only Mode. This continues to provide access to progressive SOS via the SOS tab and the ability to chat with an emergency response agent, however other app features will be limited.
SOS-Only Mode will also be displayed on the ZOLEO device status bar, and when expanded, users will have the option to upgrade the device software. Upgrading the device software will automatically exit SOS-Only Mode once complete.

Other General Fixes and Improvements
Loading large chat threads: The ZOLEO app will no longer stall or sometimes crash when attempting to load a chat thread that contains extensive message history in the range of 500 to 1000+ messages.
Location Share+ end marker for Android: When a Location Share+ session has ended, the end marker flag will now be displayed to the sender and any recipients using the Android version of the app.